So yesterday, while in Moncton, I picked up a copy of Crysis, Crytek's beautiful first person shooter. The game is currently the most technologically advanced game available, and brings most systems to their knees. I'm running the game on all high settings, no antialiasing, at 1680x1050, and I am having no trouble at all with frame rate.
The game is simply beautiful. Standing in the jungle, the light flowing through the canopy is simply breath taking. The best part about the game though would be the open world, and the ability handle encounters how you want. Sneak into a korean base? Brute force your way in and kill everything? Make distractions and take them out one by one? All your choice. In one encounter, I'd sneak up behind a group of enemies, pick up the one in the back, activate strength, and throw him into his buddies. While they were all confused, I'd put on my cloak and run away, just out of sight. When they passed me, I'd toss a grenade into the mess of them, and they'd scatter. A couple of bullets would handle the stragglers. After encounters like that, you feel a sense of self satisfaction.
Overall, my first impressions of the game are quite positive, and I'm really enjoying it. Crysis Warhead releases on Tuesday, and I'll be getting that as well. From what I've been reading, it looks better and will run on ultra high on most average gaming rigs.
The game is simply beautiful. Standing in the jungle, the light flowing through the canopy is simply breath taking. The best part about the game though would be the open world, and the ability handle encounters how you want. Sneak into a korean base? Brute force your way in and kill everything? Make distractions and take them out one by one? All your choice. In one encounter, I'd sneak up behind a group of enemies, pick up the one in the back, activate strength, and throw him into his buddies. While they were all confused, I'd put on my cloak and run away, just out of sight. When they passed me, I'd toss a grenade into the mess of them, and they'd scatter. A couple of bullets would handle the stragglers. After encounters like that, you feel a sense of self satisfaction.
Overall, my first impressions of the game are quite positive, and I'm really enjoying it. Crysis Warhead releases on Tuesday, and I'll be getting that as well. From what I've been reading, it looks better and will run on ultra high on most average gaming rigs.