Minecraft: Pocket Edition is quite possibly the best 10 cent app I purchased during the 10 cent sale on Google Play. The worst part is, I didn't even know. I let it sit doing nothing for months, until I finally picked up the game, after spinning up a server for some friends. I never saw the draw of Minecraft. During college, all of my friends were playing it pretty heavily, back during the Alpha/Beta stages. I personally thought it was a pretty big tech demo, just to show a little bit more of what Java could do. Boy was I wrong. This is like a digital version of Lego, letting you build whatever you want, and I'm hooked. Well, at least on the mobile side.
The app is coded really well, it seems to run smoothly, not skipping many frames, even at 720x1184 on my phone, or 800x1184 on my tablet. I'd love to see how it ran on the Nexus 10 however. Features are a bit sparse compared to the full version, but each release gets better, even though they seem to be pretty far between.
Check out Minecraft: Pocket Edition on Google Play.