Still playing around with the camera a lot, just thought I'd post up some of the images and give a few comments on them. Hoping to have a full review in about a month. Maybe some new lenses by then too! I'm pretty much decided on my two lenses, going to be going with a Sony SEL35f18 prime with optical steady shot, and an SEL55210 telephoto, also with optical steady shot. These should give me the perfect range for shooting lowlight, and longer range!
I find the depth of field effect is really nice. The large sensor really helps in slightly lower light situations. The white balance isn't the auto white balance isn't the greatest, but I think that's more of a limitation of the kit lens. Setting the white balance for incandescent gives a much better effect. I think this image turned out really well though.
This was a nice daylight shot, inside. I think it was just slightly cloudy outdoors. This was shot with auto white balance. The camera performs really well in natural light. The nuts ended up very well detailed.
Again, the camera performs great in natural light. the level of detail is astounding. The cat is normally a tough shot, just because he moves around so much. We can hardly keep him still, but the ISO performance of this camera is great. You can bump up the shutter speed and the ISO a bit, and resizing, you wouldn't even notice it. It's very low noise up to about ISO 3200.
This was shot using the speed priority mode. It was really, really sunny out, so unfortunately most of the detail was lost in the original, however after cropping and some playing with contrast/levels, it turned out to be an alright picture. My mistake was leaving the aperture wide open at f/3.5. I should have stopped down a bit, while keeping the same 1/4000 shutter speed. Overall though, the camera does really well with motion, and even though the original image was completely blown out, it was recoverable.
This is the seat from the girlfriend's bike. It was shot on a nice sunny morning, and unfortunately I forgot to change the white balance back to auto. I think it turned out pretty good though. The composition ended up nice. It also reminds me I need to dust. I played with the exposure compensation on this one too, dropping to to -0.7.