In Gaming: Battlefield 4 Updates, Pokemon, And Titanfall Beta

Lots going on in gaming for me over the past few weeks, including playing a fair bit of Team Fortress 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive. These are great games that are quick to pick up, easy to play a round or two, then put down. Nice for those nights where I want to play something, but I don't have a lot of time. I've also been playing Far Cry 3, but that's another post.

DICE has recently decided to make things better with the community and try to make up for the rocky release of Battlefield 4. They've declared February to be player appreciation month, and have been running events, doing open communication with the community, and getting feedback on balancing. I honestly thought the game wasn't really rocky to begin with, but this is coming from someone who played Battlefield 2142 for a number of years. It's nice to see DICE engaging the community, and balancing/fixing things. They've also announced that the Second Assault DLC will be available Tuesday, February 18th for premium players, and Naval Strike, the next DLC will be out sometime in March. With the release of Naval Strike, they're re-imagining titan mode from 2142 with the game mode carrier assault. This is pretty exciting. Along with this comes 5 new weapons and a few new gadgets. New weapons are always nice to see in game, and here's hoping DICE keeps it up for all of the future DLC releases.

I've also picked up a 3DS! Pokemon was just far too attractive a title to pass up, so along with the 3DS, I grabbed Pokemon Y. As for the handheld, the hardware feels well built, it's easy to use, and the battery life is very reasonable. Karyn has been using it for Nintendogs, however I've been going pretty hard on Pokemon. They've added a lot of new stuff in Y to make it a lot more user friendly, however there is still that sense of nostalgia when playing through the game. The online features are well implemented (Wonder Trade, anyone?), as is Pokebank (cloud storage for your Pokemon, AND a way to migrate Pokemon from older games to X/Y). I've put a fair bit of time in so far, and still haven't become bored with it. Hopefully it stays that way!

Titanfall beta is also out. Looks like a pretty solid game, hope to play some of that today. Ended up getting a beta key from a friend. The game is basically 6 vs 6 multiplayer deathmatch with bots. Players can call in "Titans" to fight in, which are giant mech suits. From what I can tell, controls look pretty tight, and it looks like a gorgeous game. Surprisingly, it's based on the Source engine too. Perhaps I'll post up my impressions.