AKG K701s - Seven Months Later

Few weeks, seven months, what's the difference, really?

Lots of time to burn these in and get familiar with them, so let's start. These things are outright fantastic. Coming from my HD555s, these are more spacious, more neutral, and have a much wider range. Well produced tracks tend to be surgically picked apart, each instrument being easily identifiable. Poor tracks, on the other hand, are punished. Every single flaw in a poor rip, or a bad recording/master are noticeable. There's been some tracks I can't stand to listen to any longer because they're just poorly produced and full of flaws.

For those looking for a bass heavy headphone, these aren't it. Though I don't find them bass anemic - In fact I find them perfectly balanced - They're not what you'd get from a Sennheiser 5 series, but instead closer in clarity and sound signature to an Etymotic IEM. The big difference between these and the Etymtoics is the sound stage, along with the even more enhanced detail. Some will consider them sterile, but I would just say they're flat and analytical. If that's the sound signature you want, these are perfect.

Negative points? Well, the padding on the headphones isn't great. It's a bit on the hard side, even after seven months of use. It's fine, but you tend to notice it after an extended period of use. The cable is plenty long, but with the K701s, it's non-removable. So when it does get twisted, it's a bit more annoying to untangle. This could have been solved by grabbing the K702s, but the 701s were practically identical and cheaper. Otherwise, my only complaint would be that they ruin a lot of older tracks for me... Oh well, there's no time for bad tracks.