I'm on APS-C for a bit. At least until next year. So I may as well have some fun glass to shoot on for the time being. I've taken quite the liking to prime lenses, which tend to offer faster apertures and higher visual quality at the expense of versatility. So, here's two of my favorites with a few sample images from each. Expect another post on my other two primes soon!
Sony SEL20F28
I was very much on the fence about this lens for the few months after buying it, but after visiting Japan, it proved it was absolutely worth it's weight in gold. This is quite possibly the best day to day lens for me. It has an equivalent focal length of about 30mm on the APS-C sensors I shoot on, and a maximum aperture of f/2.8. It's also a pancake lens, which coupled with A5xxx/A6xxx series cameras, makes them practically pocket-able, and very non-threatening compared to a full blown DSLR. I shot 90% of my Japan trip with this lens on my A6000, and it's my go-to to throw on my A5100 for walking around. It's wide but not too wide, pretty sharp when stopped down a bit, and auto-focuses pretty quickly. It's an absolutely perfect lens for capturing street and daily life kind of shots. My only wish is that they made it at least a stop faster! This lens would be an absolute must buy at f/2.
SEL20F28, f/8, 1/320, 100ISO |
SEL20F28, f/2.8, 1/60, 200ISO |
SEL20F28, f/8, 1/60, 1250ISO |
Samyang 12mm F2
I feel like this is a Sony APS-C must have lens for anyone. This is THE king of budget wide angle. It's well built, very fast at f/2, and optically very clean. Did I mention it's a manual lens? Don't let that scare you, with focus peaking and manual focus assist, it's super easy to hit focus on Sony cameras. Funny with this one, you can actually set focus to infinity (or close to it, the actual infinity marker on the focus ring is off by a hair, so verify!), stop down to f/5.6-f/8, and everything beyond a few feet will be in focus. This makes landscapes, long exposures, and astrophotography very easy. Although this is my least used prime, it's probably the one I value having the most.
Samyang 12mm f2, f/8, 5.0 sec, 100ISO |
Samyang 12mm f2, f/8, 3.2 sec, 100ISO |
Samyang 12mm f2, f/8, 1/100, 100ISO |