
A7iii. 1/160, F16, 100ISO

And my second camera purchase of 2018 is an A7iii... I won't go into a lot of detail, but this bad boy was spotted open box at Best Buy with about 3000 clicks on it at a pretty steep discount. Considering these things are looking like a scarce commodity, I took the opportunity to snatch it up. Above was taken with my A6500 with the SEL50F18 (Oh yeah that was the first camera purchase of 2018... We sure do move along at quite the clip) and an off camera speedlight equipped with Rogue Photographic Design large Flashbender soft box kit.

I'm currently up in the air as to if I want to sell off the A6500 or keep it as a backup body. I've put over 6k shots on it in 4 months or so, and I've been really happy with how it performs compared to my A6000. Features like IBIS, faster/more extensive auto-focus features, larger buffer, improved metering modes, silent shutter, and a slightly improved sensor really helped me out, and in a sense it's like a mini A7iii. I would definitely miss it's size if anything. I'll be selling my APS-C glass for sure, but might hang onto the A6500 a bit longer.

I'm still in the early days of the A7iii, but expect at least some basic insight into the camera in the near future. I'm pretty happy with it so far!