Home Office + Mac Apps

I’m really going to try to post more here, if only to feel like I’m accomplishing something.

My fiancée and I purchased a home back in New Brunswick and will be relocating around the end of March. I’m really excited to get back home, and get to a living space that’s not only much larger than the apartments I’ve been bumming around in for the past years, but also a place that’s my own. I’ll leave out the details, but it’s a two story, 5 bedroom (technically 4 bedroom with a smaller office downstairs), 2.5 bathroom house with a concrete basement. Everything about the place is a fairy tale. Lots of work to be done, but I’m looking forward to sinking my hands into the fun! Part of that is allocating a room to each of us for a home office, as we’re anticipating work from home pretty much permanently. My layout is above, roughly.

More details to come as they come, but I’m definitely starting with an 8 foot desk and wall mounting my 49” Dell. I want to run the cables through the walls, but we’ll see how ambitious we end up being, cable channels and false walls tend to provide a pretty great effect as well.

A quick list of some mac apps I’ve found great.

Rectangle - Default windows management on MacOS isn’t very good, and I can’t exactly use FancyZones or Dell Display Manager (DDM is available, but doesn’t support my monitor on MacOS). Rectangle is free and easy. Edge and corner snapping were very easy to get used to, and I especially like the bottom edge functionality which works really well with the super ultra wide.

Dozer - The menu bar can get cluttered, and the option to hide various icons behind a single dot is really nice. Very easy to learn and very functional. Great price too - Free!

Al Dente - On demand custom charging limitations. I’m just using the free version at the moment, but being able to limit to 80% charging is really nice. When plugged in, this mac doesn’t sleep, so I don’t see a ton of value in the pro version yet.

I’m still looking for a Notepad++ replacement that treats unsaved files the same, just leaving them as open unsaved tabs, but that might be asking for a bit much. I’ve tried SublimeText, CotEditor, and VSCode, and they’re all similar feels, but I think it’s just a behavioural thing - They all supposedly support hot exit on quit, but the red X isn’t actually quitting the app.

Other than that it’s been a pretty simple transition. I’ll probably cover more sweet apps as I find them too - Stay tuned.