Kindle Paperwhite 11th gen 8GB
I’ve always had a soft spot for ereaders, starting a long while ago with a Sony and eventually moving to a 2018 Kindle Paperwhite. I had that for a number of years before selling it for some moving money, and just used my tablets or phones for reading. I haven’t read as much as I did with an ereader though, and I jumped quick at the opportunity to pick up an 11th generation Paperwhite on clearance.
Compared to my old Paperwhite, the screen is a bit bigger at 6.8”, it’s got an adjustable warm-to-cool backlight which works on a schedule, and it charges with USB-C. The battery life is rated a lot longer at 10 weeks (of course, that’s WiFi off, brightness 10, and 30 minutes of reading a day) vs 6 weeks on my old Paperwhite. 8GB will be tons for my usual fiction reading. I’ve blazed through a few short stories since getting it in and I remember why I enjoyed reading on eInk so much - So much easier on the eyes than reading on a tablet.
The unassuming Flipper Zero. I will at one point look for a black shell for the thing.
Flipper Zero
It’s an electronic multi-tool! A software defined radio in a cute little package. It’s all about sub-GHz with this thing and it interfaces with a lot of stuff. NFC, RFID, Bluetooth low energy, Infrared, iButton, even a full suite of GPIO pins on the top. The USB connection acts as a Rubber Ducky, allowing you to execute scripts as though it’s a keyboard connected to a computer. It’s extensible and open source. I grabbed this as a cool little learning tool to start digging into the various wireless home security devices around the home that were left there from the previous owner. It’s astounding just how much there is around us that operates at sub-GHz frequencies though. Looking forward to where this takes me.