It’s 2021 all over again! But cheaper. The Source is going out of business, and changes in Apple’s product lines means a nice fat 40% discount on a brand new magic keyboard.
Do I now have a smart cover, a smart keyboard folio, and a magic keyboard? Yes. Am I going to get rid of any of them? Potentially the smart keyboard folio. I really forgot exactly how nice it was to type on the magic keyboard and also have a trackpad available when using this form factor. My only real dislikes with it are that it’s somewhat heavy, and it doesn’t fold back, so the only way to tablet mode the thing is pulling it off the stand. This isn’t the worst as it is an absolute pleasure to use sans-case, but it’s awkward having the magic keyboard just kicking around, taking up space.
Overall though it does make the iPad a more versatile device to use, and as I find myself reaching for it more and more, making it more versatile is only a positive. I’m pretty positively positioned with the device for any upcoming changes at WWDC, if they decide to throw a crumb or two to iPadOS.