Redlines ordered.

I ordered my Mushkin Redline 4Gb kit yesterday.

Along with that, Corie also asked me to chuck on a DFI Blood Iron motherboard and another set of Mushkin Redlines, along with 5 SATA cables. Once I recieve the money from him on Monday, I shall send the money off to NCIX. The parts should arrive by Friday, and I'll be a happy boy on my weekend off.

Of course, I'll probably end up doing absolutely nothing with the redlines other than installing them. I can't overclock my processor any higher without instabilities. So, until the next pay check, they will be 1000Mhz DDR2 running at 533Mhz. Almost seems like a waste.

Oh well, perhaps they'll find their home in a DFI P45 Lanparty Dk, or a DFI P35 Blood Iron. I know I'll probably end up going with the Blood Iron, because it's a bit cheaper, and has all the features I'll ever need, and then some.

Then, the next pay, I'll end up ordering an e8400 I believe. Perhaps a Q9450, depending on how daring I am.
