Updates, updates, updates.

Been a while, I've been busy with work, and with PC building.

Of course I've updated my own rig, changing out my motherboard, RAM, main hard drive, and heatsink for better parts.

I replaced my 2Gb of Kingston RAM with a 4Gb kit of Mushkin Redlines, wonderful RAM, great support, and a lifetime warranty. It also came with a copy of 3dmark Vantage.

My motherboard, an MSI P965 Neo-F2 was replaced with a DFI LanParty Dk P35-T2RS. It's a beautiful board, with more features than I can wrap my head around for overclocking, and it runs off of the P35 chipset from Intel, which is spectacular.

I replaced my main hard drive, a 160Gb Western Digital Caviar, with a 320Gb Western Digital Caviar. Really quiet drive, and really quick. I can notice some slight performance differences between this and my old drive.

I replaced my old heatsink, and Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro, with a Noctua NH-U12P, as pictured here beside the freezer.

I've also mounted two NF-P12 fans to it, shown here.

The fans are dead silent, and push a load of air. I really do like them, and I'll be replacing all of the fans in my system with them.

Anyway, that's the upgrade log, and other than my processor now being clocked at 3Ghz, nothing else has changed but the fact that I'm running 64 bit Vista Ultimate, and the hardware changes in my log.

