I think anyone on the internet has been bombarded at some point with Grovemade ads, and would have probably jumped on something from them if the shipping cost to Canada and conversion rate was reasonable at all. I knew I wanted felt and some desk organization for this setup, so I went searching. I came across Beaver Peak on Etsy which checked a lot of boxes, so I ordered their largest cut felt desk pad, and an oak valet tray with a felt insert. I’m glad I took the time searching because this stuff is great - Oeko-tex certified merino wool felt cut in Canada, along with Canadian oak for a reasonable pricepoint. The felt really adds a nice warmth to the space, and breaks up the giant desk pretty well. If I have one point for improvement it’s the sizing on the valet tray - I wish it would fit the iPhone 15 Plus vertically while the tray is horizontal. The tray still works really well for my setup, so I can’t complain too much!
Along with those two felt pieces I also added some thicker cork coasters - My older ones were thin and deformed and I felt something thicker would really complement the chunkier wood tray. I also added a bamboo tissue box/desk organizer from MobileVision (First photo). I like to keep tissues close at hand, but the boxes they come in are pretty gaudy in the setup. This little bamboo organizer will function as a nice drop spot for odds and ends that are within arms reach, and it has a slot on the side for holding stuff like kindles, tablets, books, etc. The build seems really good and it fits any of our larger tissue boxes pretty well.
I’m still adding odds and ends here and there, but for the time being this is the setup. I’ll probably let it stew for a month or so then re-evaluate, but so far it feels really nice working in this space.